Thursday, November 10, 2011

Family Mechanics Coming in January!

Families are a lot like cars. They have need a lot of different parts to run smoothly, you gotta put the right things in them so they continue to run properly, and sometimes they even "break down." We can take care of our families just like you take care of a car. If we ignore our car, don't change the oil, don't change the tires, whatever, it WILL break down.

During the month of January we will be doing this four part special series in Kidzforce that is designed to address real issues in families.  It was produced by High Voltage Kids Ministry.  What's so special about this?  We are inviting parents to participate by skipping church (at least one time) and coming with your child(ren) to the chapel for Kidzforce....its not mandatory.....but it will be FUN and informative.  The themes for our lessons will be:
  1. Family Feud- dealing with sibling rivalry
  2. When the Family Breaks Down- surviving divorce
  3. Meet the Parents- honor your father and mother
  4. Where's Dad?- missing an earthly dad, but having an awesome heavenly father
The series will begin Sunday January 8th.  We will announce specific dates for the the messages in another post. 

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