Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Spaghetti Lunch & Date Night Coming!

Children's Ministries will be doing a Spaghetti fundraiser on January 15th and a Valentines Date Night on February 10th.  For more details click on the Events page.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

VBS Dates for 2012 Chosen

Mark your calendars, Evangels VBS 2012 will happen June 25-29.  More details will be announced.  We are looking at having a planning meeting in March. Let's plan to make it the best, most fun VBS ever!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Family Mechanics Coming in January!

Families are a lot like cars. They have need a lot of different parts to run smoothly, you gotta put the right things in them so they continue to run properly, and sometimes they even "break down." We can take care of our families just like you take care of a car. If we ignore our car, don't change the oil, don't change the tires, whatever, it WILL break down.

During the month of January we will be doing this four part special series in Kidzforce that is designed to address real issues in families.  It was produced by High Voltage Kids Ministry.  What's so special about this?  We are inviting parents to participate by skipping church (at least one time) and coming with your child(ren) to the chapel for Kidzforce....its not mandatory.....but it will be FUN and informative.  The themes for our lessons will be:
  1. Family Feud- dealing with sibling rivalry
  2. When the Family Breaks Down- surviving divorce
  3. Meet the Parents- honor your father and mother
  4. Where's Dad?- missing an earthly dad, but having an awesome heavenly father
The series will begin Sunday January 8th.  We will announce specific dates for the the messages in another post. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

How NOT to Read the Bible

Note to Parents About Christmas Program

The Christmas Season is coming quickly.  On December 18th, the children will be putting on a Christmas program during the morning service. The Adventure Ark Kidz will be singing and Kidzforce will be doing a program called: "What is Christmas All About?"

We will be picking parts for the program on November 20th during the 10am service.  We will hold rehearsals during the 10 am services on November 27, December 4 and 11.  There will be no dress rehearsal.  All children will have a part in the program, if your child does not have a speaking part they will still be in the choir.  Please have your child attend as many practices as possible.

If your child has something red or green to wear please have them wear it on December 18.  Thanks, and have a wonderful Christmas Season!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Note On Security For Our Children

Dear Parent(s):

It is our goal to provide a safe environment for all children at Evangel.  The challenge is that the facility is large and the potential for children to get hurt or other unacceptable situations are real.  With that in mind and in order to provide a safe environment for your children, we ask that you do not let them wander unsupervised around the campus at Evangel, particularly before or after scheduled children’s ministry events. Should you notice any potentially harmful situations please bring it to our attention.

What a joy it is to ministry to your children! If at any time you need prayer regarding your children or family, please don’t hesitate to ask.

God Bless,
Pastor John Burzynski

Monday, August 22, 2011

Teacher Enrichment Clinics Coming Soon!

ALL TEACHERS, and anyone interested, mark your calendars for October 1. There will be Christian Education Teacher Certification training @Oak Creek A/G. This is a primer for anyone who teaches in Christian education of all ages, small groups, kids clubs. Teacher Enrichment Clinics are one-day events that assist in shaping the character and sharpening the skills of those involved in teaching ministry. Each TEC is led by a knowledgeable and experienced Christian education professional focused on a specific topic. Topics are selected in consultation with the local pastor. The typical schedule is on a Saturday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. More information on registration to come.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Don't Miss Kidzfest at "Rock the Lakes"

Kidzfest is part of the Franklin Graham outreach to Milwaukee.  It promises to be a fun time!
When: August 20th @10 AM (some activities start as early as 8:30)
Where: Milwaukee's Lakefront - Veterans Park

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Operation Space VBS has landed! Please take our survey.....

We had the joy and excitement of ministering to 92 children during this years VBS.  Thank you Jesus!  Thirty nine adult and youth volunteers made it happen! Everyone's effort was critical to the success.  We received lots of positive feedback, but we want to examine our effort to improve for next year.  If you participated in this years VBS could you please take a few moments to take our survey? Your opinion is important to us, all responses are confidential and you do not have to provide your name.  Don't foget to scroll down and click the "submit" button.  Thanks.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

VBS Craft Supplies Help Needed!

Can you save & give any of the following items used for crafts??
1) Paper Towel/Toilet Paper Tubes,
2) small boxes such as various cake mix box sizes (even Jiffy cake box size is ok), 3) small plastic containers with lids such as for peanut butter, soft drink, mayo, Parmesan cheese, etc.

VBS is July 18th - 22nd so we need these items quickly. If you can help with any of these items call Pastor John @262-483-6735, or post a comment or bring them to church! THANKS!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Help Wanted - Operation Space VBS

We will be doing a VBS produced "Answers is Genesis" called Operation Space. This is not just another VBS. The materials are great! This VBS will help build a strong Biblical foundation for our children, but in order to put it over the top we need helpers. We will have a planning meeting June 30th, 7pm in room 108. We need all sorts of help, set builders, decorators, treat makers, mascots, clerical,teachers, helpers and more!

Monday, June 6, 2011

"Operation Space" VBS July 18-22 9:30 - NOON Ages 4-12 yrs

The theme for this summers VBS will be "Operation Space", it from "Answers in Genesis", and has a solid Biblical foundation.  To find out more about the materials click this link.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Water Balloon Blast Tomorrow!

During Kidzforce, on May 1st, the kids will get the chance to get a little payback on Pastor John B  and Alex F.  The reason, Pastor John challenged them to raise over $100 during March Missions Madness.  They raised $150.  So as a reward they will get to bambard John and Alex with about 75 water balloons!  Why, cuz its fun! It is also a reminder that we are supporting the African Oasis Project in thier efforts to drill wells for villages in Africa this year!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Buddy's Back!

It is our goal to raise $600 for the missionary efforts of Boy's and Girl's Missionary Challenge (BGMC)! To date we are close to the $300 mark- thanks to the generous contributions given by adults on April 3!  Lets blow that goal out of the water and help our missionaries get the materials they need, as well as supplying clean water to villages in Africa through the African Oasis Project.  Don't forget to bring your barrels back on May 1st!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Here's what your children are learning while you are in church this spring!

It is our mission to help families raise their children "in the training and instruction of the Lord" (Eph.6:4), so that " and when he/she is old, he/she will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6). this is what we are teaching this spring:
2&3 Years Old Adventure Ark
Unit 1: The Bible Is God’s WordThrough stories of Moses and the Ten Commandments, kids will learn that the Bible is a special book, written for us to live by.

Unit 2: Stories about Jesus
Kids will discover the joy of Easter through stories about Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Unit 3: Stories about Joseph
Joseph will show kids how families love, help, and forgive each other.

Unit 4: Stories about Elijah
Kids will find out how God will take care of them just like He took care of Elijah when he needed food and when he traveled.

K4-K5 Adventure Ark

Unit 1: Learning to ObeyAdam and Eve, Jonah, and the Prodigal Son show kids the importance of making right choices, forgiving others, and being thankful.

Unit 2: Learning about Easter
Bible stories that take place before and after Easter show kids how to love and praise God and begin seeing Jesus as a compassionate friend they can trust.

Unit 3: Learning to Witness, Pray, and Worship
Kids will learn to appreciate God’s Word, share His love with others, pray, and worship through Nicodemus, Philip, Priscilla and Aquila, Jesus, and David.
Kidz Force : Grades 1-5*

The Power of Prayer
  • Everyday Prayer
  • Praying the Word
  • Praying for Others
  • Prayer and Praise
The I ams of Jesus
  • I am the Way
  • I am the Truth
  • I am the Life
  • I am the Light
  • I am the Good Shepherd
  • I am the Bread
  • I am the Vine

"March Missions Madness-Lost Change for Lost Souls."

March Missions Madness

By Mary Boyd

March Missions Madness: Lost Change for Lost Souls

Every year during the month of March, BGMC runs its annual campaign called "March Missions Madness-Lost Change for Lost Souls." This campaign takes place during college basketball's March Madness playoffs. The month of March was also chosen because National BGMC Day is the second Sunday in March.
For 2011, the name of this campaign is being changed to "Lost Change for Lost Kids." Assemblies of God World Missions and BGMC have declared 2011 the "Year of the Child." A concerted effort is being made to reach kids around the world. BGMC funds will be targeting special children's projects all over the world. We are asking churches to really promote reaching kids during the month of March.
The purpose of this four-week campaign is to bring special attention to BGMC and what it does. The object of the campaign is to get every person in the church involved by looking for lost change (money) for one month in order to reach lost kids around the world. Lost kids are reached by supplying our missionaries with the supplies they need to spread the gospel.

This article is an excerpt from the BGMC website, to read the entire article click this link:
BGMC March Missions Madness Link

Friday, February 4, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"Boot Camp" Teachers Basic Training

We are planning a two hour training workshop covering such things as lesson preparation, discipline and more.  This workshop is open to anyone teaching, helping or just interested.  Tentative date is Saturday, February 12 at 10 am.  More posts on this will follow!  

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Team Members!

We are very happy to announce the addition of Julie Awe and Andre Pirtle as teachers for K4/5 Sunday School, and Myesha Reynolds as the Director of Adventure Ark. I believe these talented and awesome people will transform our Children's Ministry and help take it to the next level!